Maths Week

Lesson: Maths

Wow! What a truly inspiring week we have had celebrating the use of Maths beyond school. We have been very lucky that some of our incredible parents offered to give up their time to come and speak to our children about how they use Maths in their jobs.


We started maths week with a visit from Mrs Lamb, who came to talk to us about how significant maths is in her job within the Environment Agency. The children were completely inspired and asked a lot of fabulous questions. 

On Tuesday, another two of our fabulous parents came in to explain how important maths is in their jobs. Mrs Makin uses maths a great deal in her job as a consultant in the ICU. The Y5 and 6 children had a great time working out how much medicine to give an imaginary patient based on their body weight. 

Mr Gendall also uses maths a lot in his job as a civil engineer. The Y5 and 6 children were very excited to search for evidence of engineering in an imaginary town and to learn how important mathematical calculations are in building and bridge designs.

Finally, Mrs Lomas came to visit, telling us all about how maths fits into her job running a nursery. The children worked out how many adults would be needed for all the different ages of children currently in the nursery and then used measuring skills to create their own play doh. What a fabulous time we had!

Thank you so much to Mrs Lamb, Mrs Makin, Mr Gendall and Mrs Lomas for giving their time up to truly inspire our children.

Crawford Village Primary School

Crawford Village Primary School Crawford Road
Up Holland

Out of Hours / Emergency Contact Details: [email protected]

Mrs S Roberts - Bursar | Mrs D Eaton - Headteacher

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