Music Vision Statement

Music Vision Statement

At Crawford Village Primary School, our vision is to give children a music curriculum that ensures every child fulfils their musical potential.  Music is embedded as a part of school life and our aspiration is that children have the opportunities to become real musicians.  We provide a progressive and enjoyable curriculum that enables each pupil to grow and flourish musically at their own pace, to develop the ability to express ideas, thoughts and feelings through music and fosters a passion for music in children of all abilities.  We also strive to offer a variety of opportunities for children to celebrate their talents, both within school and the community therefore deepening their participation and love for music in a wider context.

Our curriculum

Our music curriculum is taught progressively through three interrelated pillars:

  • Technical

Competence in controlling sound (instrumental, vocal or with music technology).

Use of a communication system, such as staff notation or guitar tab.

  • Constructive

Knowledge of the musical elements/interrelated dimensions of music in performing, composition and listening/appraising.

Knowledge of the components of composition.

  • Expressive

Musical quality.

Musical creativity.

Knowledge of musical meanings across the world and time.


The pillars of music are developed through the curriculum which progressively builds the following key substantive concepts:

  • Listening and appraising — exploring feelings and emotions in response to music, giving opinions, identifying instruments, structure and musical features.
  • Performing (controlling sounds through singing and playing) — singing (developing pitch, melody, rhythm and control individually and as part of a group), playing instruments, practising, presenting, recording and evaluating.
  • Composing and improvisation (creating a developing musical ideas) — notating, representing sounds through symbols, standard and non-standard notation.
  • Musicianship — understanding and using the interrelated dimensions of music such as pulse/beat, rhythm, pitch, melody, tempo, dynamics, timbre, texture and structure.

Children make use of the knowledge and skills by also exploring the following disciplinary concepts:

  • Chronology, continuity and change — the history of music and changes over time.
  • Similarity and difference — comparing pieces of music, identifying common/different styles and techniques.
  • Significance — significant composers/musicians, pieces of music and musical movements and periods.
  • Communication — written, oral and creative expressions using musical terminology, responding, performing, refining, describing, experimenting and exploring.

Crawford Village Primary School

Crawford Village Primary School Crawford Road
Up Holland

Out of Hours / Emergency Contact Details: [email protected]

Mrs S Roberts - Bursar | Mrs D Eaton - Headteacher

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