School Council 2023 to 2024

Children in Need - November 2023

Our school council wanted to raise some additional money towards our Children in Need Day.  In one of our meetings, they discussed the possible options and decided upon selling hot chocolate.  Together, they created posters to market their product, agreed upon the design of the hot chocolate and the raw materials needed.  On the day, they took pre-orders from all the children and staff to ensure that the children received their drinks without delay.  Feedback was extremely positive from all who bought a hot chocolate and they are delighted to announce that they raised an incredible £63 towards this very worthy cause.

Whole School Election - November 2023

The School council felt that our school should support a national charity.  As a group, they came up with a shortlist including Guide Dogs, Macmillan, RSPCA and Red Cross.  The school councillors each chose a charity to represent and then presented their case to the whole school in assembly.  Following that, they set up a voting booth and every member of our school community was invited to vote for their chosen charity.  The voting was adjudicated by our head girl and head boy and they were delighted to announce that the Guide Dogs Association had won.

Guide Dogs - Adopt a Daffodil - December 2023

This was one of our biggest fundraisers to date.  Our school council organised an 'Adopt a Daffodil' event where children could donate to our fabulous charity and in return, plant, name and take home a daffodil of their own to look after and nurture over the coming months.  Thank you to all those involved, we raised an incredible £150 towards this fantastic charity.

Sponsoring Walter! - January 2024

It was with great pride that the school council were able to present 'Walter' to our school comminity.  We will watch with pleasure our little golden labrador on his journey to becoming a guide dog and keep you updated.

Store House Boxes - February 2024

The school council wanted to support our local community beat the winter blues and once again called upon the genorosity of our wonderful children and parents.  Each child was asked to bring in a food or toiletry item to put in their class hamper.  They were absolutely delighted with the response and the Store House posted on their facebook page huge thanks to everyone at Crawford Village Primary who donated explaining that it could not have come at a better time.

Open Surgery - March 2024

Our school council is always open to ideas and suggestions from our school community and to support this, they oragnised some open surgeries so that the children in school could tell them any suggestions they have to help them continually develop and enhance our school.  They were delighted with the response they received.  These suggesteions have been collated and they will be presenting those that they think could be adopted to Mrs Eaton.  This is an exciting prospect for the school council and an opportunity to make real change.  Keep posted for futher news.

Red Nose Day - March 2024

The school council were busy once again supporting this worthy charity.  They sold red noses at break times to the children and were delighted to completely sell out.  Together with the money raised from our non school uniform day, they raised an amazing £227.

Hot Cross Buns! - March 2024

As an Easter surprise, the school council wanted to celebrate the end of term with a sweet treat.  They served warm buttered hot cross buns to all staff and children to end our term in style.



Crawford Village Primary School

Crawford Village Primary School Crawford Road
Up Holland

Out of Hours / Emergency Contact Details: [email protected]

Mrs S Roberts - Bursar | Mrs D Eaton - Headteacher

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