Our Vision

Building on four pillars, our vision for the next 3 years is simple, but ambitious.

Pupil Experience Facilities Leadership Beyond the School


Our pupils will thrive in a nurturing setting where outstanding behaviour and attendance, as well as strong well-being support, ensure each individual child is celebrated. Pupils will play a full role in school life and have their horizons broadened through active engagement with outside partners and visitors to ensure that diversity and equality are understood and celebrated.  Through an outstanding broad curriculum, trips and clubs, pupils will be given a wide variety of opportunities to shine and the support they need to do so.

We will have facilities and resources which are safe, fit for purpose, modern and minimise our environmental impact. They will support and promote our children’s learning, recognising our unique location and our desire for children to learn both inside and outside of the classroom.

Strong leadership will be continued across the school through maintenance of the high expectations of both staff and governors. Governance, including sound financial management, is reviewed internally and externally at both an individual governor and board level to ensure all aspects of school governance are of a high standard. In turn the leadership within school is rigorously scrutinised and supported to ensure that the best outcomes are achieved for every pupil.  Investment in staff development and wellbeing is a priority which underpins outstanding teaching and learning leading to a strong reputation and pupil outcomes.

Our school will look beyond its boundaries to build even stronger relationships with parents, carers, local businesses and the wider community. Through events in school as well as away from the school premises, pupils will benefit from activities in the local community as well as recognising their roles and responsibilities as global citizens. This will be evident through the actions taken by them and evidenced by the culture and displays in school which showcase pupils’ understanding of their community.

How we will achieve each of these pillars is outlined in more detail in our Strategy Document.

Crawford Village Primary School

Crawford Village Primary School Crawford Road
Up Holland

Out of Hours / Emergency Contact Details: [email protected]

Mrs S Roberts - Bursar | Mrs D Eaton - Headteacher

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