Our School Council at Crawford

Meet our School Council for 2024/ 2025

Hi, I am the chairperson of our school council.  I want to help our school be an even better place and support people in need.

Hi, I wanted to be in the school council because I like helping people and I want to raise money for charity.

Hi, I like kangaroos and I wanted to be part of the school council to help improve our school.

Hi, I wanted to be on the school council because I like helping people.

Hi, I wanted to be a part of our school council because I want to help our school and charities.

Hi,  I like football and want to help raise money for charities.

Hi,  I love gymnastics and I want to help raise money for worthy causes.


Hi, my favourite colour is blue and I love helping others.


Hi, my favourite colour is red and I want to help people in need.


Hello, my favourite colour is purple and I like helping people.


The school council would like to introduce you to STEPS.

This is an approach to travelling through school that the school council would like to introduce. We hope that this will help make travelling through school even more pleasant and orderly than it already is.

STEPS is an acronym and essentially, we should all take these STEPS as we travel through school.

Smile – Smile at someone to brighten their day. It’s always nice and polite to smile at each other in the school building.

Take your time – Walk through school. Don’t run, skip, jog or rush. Just walk calmy. No need for speed.

Excuse me. If you need help, to speak to an adult or to walk by someone, say excuse me.

Polite. Use your manners. If someone speaks to you, reply in kind. Say good morning or afternoon, say please and thank you.

Safe. With any equipment, keep it and yourself safe. Be careful when carrying anything through the school.

Thank you.

School Council.


About Our School Council

Our School Council consists of a number of children from years 1-6 who represent all the children in our school.  They were elected democratically in the Autumn term and have since been allocated specific roles on the council.  Our current members are pictured above:

We meet every fortnight to talk about ideas we have to support charity events, fund-raise for things we would like in school and to discuss other ways in which we can make our school even better. Previously, our fundraising efforts helped to raise money to buy a hen house for our Crawford hens and for a soldier silhouette for our Remembrance Day display. 

If any children have ideas for us to work on, please speak to any member of the council.



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Crawford Village Primary School

Crawford Village Primary School Crawford Road
Up Holland

Out of Hours / Emergency Contact Details: [email protected]

Mrs S Roberts - Bursar | Mrs D Eaton - Headteacher

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