
The range of home / school tasks varies throughout the school, according to the age of the children.  The one thing that remains constant throughout is the fact that it can only benefit your child if we have your support and work together. The homework we give at Crawford Village is designed to reinforce and support the learning that happens during the school day. 

Homework will usually involve regular reading, spelling and mathematics.

The main purpose of homework at Crawford Village is:

  • to encourage pupils to develop the skill, confidence and motivation to study independently at home
  • to consolidate and reinforce the skills and understanding developed at
  • to extend school learning through activities such as additional reading and research.
  • to develop and sustain the involvement of parents in the management of their child’s learning and to keep them informed about the work and progress their child is achieving.
  • to explore the wide range of resources for learning at home eg: internet, library, adult knowledge and newspapers.
  • to maintain good channels of communication between home and
  • to offer pupils the opportunity to extend their learning by including optional, additional challenges or open ended
  • to consolidate spellings of high frequency words through inspiring and creative spelling tasks.

How you can help your child with their homework?

Below is a list of ways that you as a parent can show your child that you value their homework and the time and effort spent completing it. The school will also provide clear and regular reminders of their expectation when it comes to homework. As a school, we hope that you will find this guidance helpful in supporting your child fully with their homework.

You can show you value your child’s homework by:

  • providing a suitable place in which your child can do their homework, preferably with an adult to discuss, encourage and support;
  • making it clear to your child that you value homework and support the school in explaining how it can help learning;
  • encouraging your child and praising them when they have completed work set;
  • ensuring work is complete and returned to school on time;
  • checking your child spends a suitable amount of time on

Additionally, you can support your child’s development by:

  • visits to libraries, museums etc.;
  • cooking with them;
  • taking your child swimming;
  • playing games, e.g. board games, cards, ball games;
  • watching informative TV programmes together;
  • providing opportunities for craft activities, e.g. cutting, sticking, sewing, painting ;
  • gardening and growing plants;
  • using the internet to research something with your child (following guidelines for safe internet use);
  • attending any school workshops that may be on offer designed to enable Parents/Carers to support their child’s learning at home;
  • talking to your child about schoolwork, their day, what they have been learning about and how they have been

Remember:  Homework is about reinforcing, practising and confidence building…

Enthusing your child about undertaking homework and modelling the high value of homework to them is of key importance. Make it fun!

Crawford Village Primary School

Crawford Village Primary School Crawford Road
Up Holland

Out of Hours / Emergency Contact Details: [email protected]

Mrs S Roberts - Bursar | Mrs D Eaton - Headteacher

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