Curriculum Overview

Children are at the heart of Crawford Village Primary School and we strive to ensure that all children feel safe, secure and truly valued as individuals. We provide a curriculum which enables every child to have access to high quality, personalised learning opportunities.

In formulating our response to the Primary Curriculum, we took into account our key learning priorities.

- Engaging learners in an exciting, challenging and creative approach to learning

- Application of literacy and maths skills to continually raise standards  

- Making links with the community around us through enterprise and collaborative learning events

- Working creatively (incorporating expressive and creative arts and design technology)

- Learning from the world around us (though regular educational visits and visitors)

- Flexibility of topic and delivery, to ensure identified gaps are closed and children’s learning powers are developed.

Our response has been to use our children’s love of questioning and deep thinking skills to create an enquiry-led curriculum. Learning across history, geography and science is framed with questions that the children seek to answer. Children support the formulation of these questions through the planning process.

Learning challenges are carefully pitched to ensure children access work at age-related expectations, with regular and sustained challenge through higher level objectives. Basic skills are an integral part of this and are developed as a consequence. We ensure children work at their age related expectations and encourage and support children to exceed their own expectations through challenge.

To support engagement, 'Wow' events and theme days/weeks are planned to regularly challenge thinking and contextualise learning. In addition, it is the expectation that our pupils will regularly engage with the community or educational visits or visitors, to provide a broad and rich learning experience that develops Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural aspects of learners' education.

Please see the links at the foot of the page for the curriculum overview for each year group.

We hope you will find that there is a wealth of information on our webite surrounding our curriculum but if parents, or other members of the public, would like to know more about any aspect of the curriculum we are following, then please do not hesitate to contact school where Mrs Eaton, our headteacher, will be happy to disdcuss this with you.  Email [email protected]


The National Curriculum in England

Parents Complete Guide to the Curriculum

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Crawford Village Primary School

Crawford Village Primary School Crawford Road
Up Holland

Out of Hours / Emergency Contact Details: [email protected]

Mrs S Roberts - Bursar | Mrs D Eaton - Headteacher

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