British Science Week - Class Three
Lesson: Science
Class: Class 3 Year: 2022 - 2023
Today Class Three took part in a plethora of science activities based around the theme 'Connections' for British Science Week.
Out aims were to explore how Science connects us to our world and to each other. We also wanted to make lots of connections between what we have been learning about this year.
First we took part in a BBC live lesson revolving around forces and space. This included watching interviews with astronauts, experimenting with friction and analysing results. To finish, we created a 'straw rocket' discussing propulsion, air resistance, friction and gravity and how rockets connect us to our Solar System.
Once we had completed this, children investigated other experiments and investigations in small groups, making notes of all the connections they were making along the way.
The experiments included taking each others fingerprints, making a basic telegraph (for morse code), making paper planes, making a Da Vinci bridge, making a catapult and creating a food chain paper chain.
We have had lots of fun today and are looking forward to carrying this on later in the week too.