Class 1 2024 - 2025

Miss Davies

Miss Davies

Class 1 Teacher
EYFS Lead, Art & Design Subject Leader,
DT Subject Leader, Joint Phonics Lead
Deputy DSL

Mrs Jones

Mrs Jones

Class 1 Teaching Assistant

Welcome to Class One

Nursery and Reception

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Welcome back to another exciting term in Class 1. We all can't wait to start your exciting learning journey with you!  From whizzing to space to scouring Forest School for minibeasts, we have a busy year ahead!


Our school is a big believer in positive Mental Health. Here is a lovely website with tips and ideas to help support positive mental health at home.

Hungry Little Minds


Rocket Phonics

Reading Planet Rocket Phonics is a DfE validated SSP programme aligned to Letters and Sounds 2007.

As a school we have chosen this scheme because of the steady pace and progression and whole-class teaching of consistent daily phonics practice.


Phase 1 phonics concentrates on developing children’s speaking and listening skills and lays the foundations for the phonic work which starts in Phase 2. Phase 1 is about getting children attuned to sounds around them ready to begin developing oral blending (putting sounds together to make a word) and segmenting (separating sounds to help read a word) skills. Therefore Phase 1 phonics is Communication and Language, one of the prime areas of the EYFS. The prime areas are the most important to be taught in Nursery. The aspects relating to communication and language are responding to sounds, play with sounds, songs and rhymes, listening to others, understanding questions, developing a concept of things, understanding prepositions such as on top, under etc.

Phase 1 Phonics Phase 1 phonics begins in nursery. It is the critical part  of learning to read and write. It is split into 7 aspects. Environmental  Sounds. - ppt download


In Reception, your child will be taught phonics, a method of learning to read words. They learn to read letters by saying the sounds they represent. They can then start to read words by blending individual sounds together to make words.

Alongside learning to decode the words on the page, your child will also learn comprehension skills. This helps them to make sense of what the words say and what the text means. Together, these skills will help your child on their way to becoming a keen and confident reader.

In Reception, we learn all sounds from Sound Mat 1 and Sound Mat 2 along with some common exception words. Below are the sounds your child will be learning in order.


Our work in computing focuses on computers in our everyday lives and how they help us learn. The children will be developing their keyboard and mouse skills using the creative educational website, Mini Mash.

P.E. will take place on Wednesdays and Fridays.  Please ensure your child is wearing their P.E. kit on those days (including navy joggers and sweatshirts when the weather is colder). 

Home Learning

Reading - Our aim is to develop a love of reading. We encourage you to read with your child regularly - this can be both listening to them read and by having bed-time stories read to them. Reading should be a fun and enjoyable process for you and your child to develop together. 

During class time, your child will experience listening to fantastic stories regulary and they will also have numerous oppotunities to read to an adult and discuss them. We have a wide range of exciting books within school to support each child's reading ability. 

We aim to send two reading books home weekly dependent on each child individual needs.

Phonics - Reception children will be given a Phonics book. Inside will be all the letter sounds that your child has learned in class so far. New sounds will be added when a new letter is introduced to them. Please look though the book together to help embed their phonic knowledge. Together you could look round the house for objects that begin with a paticular letter sound. Please practice the letter sounds and tricky words with your child.

Nursery children will be given a busy book to take home. Inside will be a fun task for them to complete, related to the learning that they have done that week.

Library - We have a very exciting new micro library in school this year. Each child with have the opportunity to choose a book and take it home to read. books will be changed during library sessions.

Please look at our Forest School page to find out more about what we do in these sessions.

Kind Regards

Miss Davies


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