Netball Event - Written by Lucy Makin 21.10.22

Date: 21st Oct 2022 @ 11:27am

The Crawford Netball Team

Report written by Lucy Makin – Sports Councillor.

Seven Year 6s went to a netball tournament at Our Lady Queen of Peace High School on Thursday 13th October and Monday 17th October. Their team consisted of Lucy PH, Luna B, Sophia BM, Mia S, Emily D, Zoe Ava CH and Harry L. They won 2 games and came 10th out of 12. We interviewed them to see how they felt about it.

Did you have fun?

That was a definite YES!!! from everyone.

Who showed excellent sportsmanship?

A few people were mentioned like Zoe Ava, Harry and Lucy PH, but overall great sportsmanship was shown throughout.

Who do you think our best player was?

Lucy PH was chosen best overall: “Because she always cheered our team on and encouraged us through tough times,” quoted Sophia. Some people also thought Sophia was amazing but it was agreed that everyone did their best and played amazingly.

What’s your favourite position?

I asked everyone this and here’s what they said:

Luna- centre, Lucy PH- goal shooter, Harry- goal keeper,

Zoe Ava- goal attack, Mia- goal shooter, Sophia-centre,

Emily- centre and goal attack.

Crawford Village Primary School

Crawford Village Primary School Crawford Road
Up Holland

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Mrs S Roberts - Bursar | Mrs D Eaton - Headteacher

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