National Poetry Day

Date: 1st Oct 2020 @ 4:07pm

We had lots of fun this morning immersing ourselves in poetry.  We focused on the poem 'What is Pink? by Christina Rossetti and the children wrote their own versions.  I was so impressed with what they produced.  I'm sure some were better than the original!  See what you think?

What is green?

What is green? Peas are green
Running on your plate.
What is orange? The sunset is orange
As people set their heads for bed.
What is grey? Sloths are grey
Munching on leaves.
What is blue? Bubble gum is blue
Chewing happily on it.
What is indigo?
It’s the sixth colour of the rainbow.
By Henry Chesworth

What is pink?

What is pink?  Candyfloss is pink
Just eating the thing gives you such a sugar rush.
What is red? Ladybirds are red flying through the sunlight.
What is brown?  Horses are brown
Galloping in the farm.
What is blue?  Bubble gum is blue
Chewing it is a delight.
What is green?  Grass is green
It is so much fun to play in.

By Oliver Wroe

What is violet?

What is violet? Nail polish is violet
sparkling on my nails.
What is blue? The sky is blue
Moving in every breeze.
What is red? Poppies are red
Shining in the sunlight.
What is green? The grass is green
Swishing in the wind.

By Evie Robinson

What is blue?

What is blue? Why blue is like the sea.
What is black? Oh it is the shadow from the sun.
What is yellow?  Yellow is a lemon.
What is green?  Why green is slime.
What is red?  Red is an apple when its ripe.

By Jack Marston

Crawford Village Primary School

Crawford Village Primary School Crawford Road
Up Holland

Out of Hours / Emergency Contact Details: [email protected]

Mrs S Roberts - Bursar | Mrs D Eaton - Headteacher

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