Diversity in Britain

Date: 5th Nov 2020 @ 5:29pm

We have been celebrating diversity in Britain over the last few weeks at Crawford Village Primary School. The West India Committee worked with The Royal Mint to launch its first ever diversity coin, in the form of both a circulating and commemorative 50 pence piece. We have been lucky enough to obtain two of these wonderful coins.  

In Class 3, the children created their own coin design to commemorate the efforts of the West Indians during the First World War. Men and women from Britain’s colonies, including those in Africa and the Caribbean, volunteered to serve in the British military en masse. In 1915, more than 16,000 West Indians formed a new regiment known as the British West India Regiment (BWIR) thanks to the personal intervention of King George V, who convinced the War Office to accept these volunteers. All the men of the BWIR were volunteers and they were hailed in the British press as ‘Huge and Mighty Men of Valour.’ 

The children created some beautiful designs, combining the West Indian flag with that of the Union Jack. Our competition winners are pictured above.  A fantastic effort from Class 3, well done to you all! 

Crawford Village Primary School

Crawford Village Primary School Crawford Road
Up Holland

Out of Hours / Emergency Contact Details: [email protected]

Mrs S Roberts - Bursar | Mrs D Eaton - Headteacher

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