British Science Week 2021

Date: 12th Mar 2021 @ 4:10pm

This week, we have celebrated British Science Week 2021, and what a week it has been! We started off with an escape rooms task, whereby the children had to answer a series of science questions to gain the code needed to unlock a mysterious box found in their classroom. Much to the excitement of everyone, it was jam packed with treats!

We then participated in the British Science Association’s poster competition. Class 2 based their posters around innovating designs for “Classrooms of the Future”, whilst Class 3 challenged our perceptions of STEM careers by producing “Smashing Gender Stereotypes” posters. The results were brilliant, with entrants from Oliver, Henry, Lucy, Zac and Isla being sent to the British Science Association for the official competition.

Class 1 have been using their scientific skills to observe the changes happening all around us as Spring starts to appear. They have also watched how materials change as they baked some delicious cookies.

Class 2 and 3 joined a Live Youtube session with Theeb the vet. We were shown how cows are looked after at the cattle farm, and learnt all about their nutritional and environmental needs. We then compared their heart rates, breaths per minute and eyes to our own.

Class 3 have been investigating light and space, creating their own periscopes and spectroscopes and creating videos to send to Nasa all about Space!

Well done to Isla and Henry, who displayed creative thinking, curiosity and fantastic science knowledge throughout the week, and who we crowned our Scientists of the Month. They won a copy of Whizz Pop Bang magazine, and a STEM science investigation kit. 

Crawford Village Primary School

Crawford Village Primary School Crawford Road
Up Holland

Out of Hours / Emergency Contact Details: [email protected]

Mrs S Roberts - Bursar | Mrs D Eaton - Headteacher

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