Black History Month

Date: 23rd Oct 2020 @ 4:52pm

This month, we have held a Black History Month to highlight and celebrate the achievements and contributions of the black community in the UK.

Throughout history, black people have made huge contributions to society in the fields of art, music, science, literature and many more areas. We have chosen to celebrate a few of those wonderful people within our classes. 

Class 1 created an "All Hands Together" circle which has been proudly displayed on their door all month. They also created a piece of Art inspired by Kehinde Wiley, a contemporary African-American painter best known for his distinctive portraits. He usually paints black men and women, rendered in a photographic style against a densely patterned backgrounds. They look absolutely fantastic. 

Class 2 explored the fascinating life of Mae Jemison and all her amazing achievements. They also danced and sang along to Ella Fitzgerald, whilst later creating a newspaper article based around Nelson Mandela. 

Class 3 have been dancing in the Purple Rain as they partied like it was 1999! They created a Prince painting inspired by the artist Lubaina Himid. They also heard about the inspirational stories of Rosa Parks, Pablo Fanque and Harriet Tubman. 

Crawford Village Primary School

Crawford Village Primary School Crawford Road
Up Holland

Out of Hours / Emergency Contact Details: [email protected]

Mrs S Roberts - Bursar | Mrs D Eaton - Headteacher

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